E-commerce API


I developed a robust Node.js Express server. The project implements a RESTful API architecture, which allows for efficient handling of CRUD requests and features multiple endpoints and support for query and route parameters. For data persistence, I integrated MongoDB and implemented Cloudinary, a cloud service to store product images, thereby enhancing the overall user experience. To ensure secure user interactions, I configured user authentication endpoints with JWT, enabling smooth user login and registration. Moreover, I enforced essential security measures, including API rate limiting and CORS.

E-commerce Fullstask


I designed and created an e-commerce website. The application follows a monolithic architecture with the frontend consuming a RESTful API. To optimize SEO, I incorporated Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG). To enhance scalability, I adhered to Clean Architecture and SOLID principles. Moreover, I improved accessibility by implementing ARIA attributes.

A list of Salon services with a user interaction to make an appointment
GitHub repository

Salon Appointment Scheduler


I programmed a Dynamic Bash Script integrated with a PostgreSQL database to manage a Salon Appointment Scheduler application using various commands. To optimize data management, I created different tables with efficient JOINS. The script allows the creation of new users and facilitates the scheduling of appointments for one or multiple services within the required schedule. I utilized various types of inserts and SQL queries to store and validate user inputs against the relational database. Additionally, I enhanced the terminal's visualization using Bash styles. This project is one of five in-depth challenges I completed using Bash and PostgreSQL, available on my GitHub repository

A test example using the serialiser to clean specified attributes from the snapshot.
GitHub repository

Snapshot Serializer

TypeScriptPretty-formatJestTesting Library

I built a TypeScript Pretty-format Plugin, which proves highly valuable for applying snapshot tests with Jest & Testing Library. The plugin filters snapshot attributes, providing precise test control and improving the testing workflow. Additionally, it includes a feature to exclude specific attributes from filtering, further enhancing its flexibility

About Me

As a person who is deeply passionate about science and technology. Every day, I strive to expand my knowledge and take on new challenges in the IT sector.With approximately two years of hands-on experience in IT, my passion for being part of the IT industry began when I was captivated by technology's ability to transform the world for the better through innovative products and services.Over the years, I have spent my time honing my skills as a self-taught software developer, adapting to the dynamic circumstances of the industry. Next year I will expand my knowledge by starting a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the University of Buenos Aires.I love to network with like-minded, curious and passionate professionals who share my appetite to learn and grow. I strongly believe in the power of mutual learning and collaborative environments that foster personal and professional development.